Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #04390 的意思

male' {maw-lay'} or mala' (Esth. :5) {maw-law'}

a primitive root; TWOT - 1195; v
AV - fill 1  07, full 48, fulfil 28, consecrate 15, accomplish 7,
replenish 7, wholly 6, set 6, expired 3, fully 2, gather 2,
overflow 2, satisfy 2, misc 14; 249
1) to fill, be full
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be full
1a1a) fullness, abundance (participle)
1a1b) to be full, be accomplished, be ended
1a2) to consecrate, fill the hand
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to be filled, be armed, be satisfied
1b2) to be accomplished, be ended
1c) (Piel)
1c1) to fill
1c2) to satisfy
1c3) to fulfil, accomplish, complete
1c4) to confirm
1d) (Pual) to be filled
1e) (Hithpael) to mass themselves against

希伯來詞彙 #04390 在聖經原文中出現的地方

male' {maw-lay'} or mala' (Esth. :5) {maw-law'} 共有 249 個出處。 這是第 141 至 160 個出處。

詩 篇 72:19
And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled04390, 8735 with his glory; Amen, and Amen.

詩 篇 74:20
Have respect unto the covenant: for the dark places of the earth are full04390, 8804 of the habitations of cruelty.

詩 篇 80:9
Thou preparedst room before it, and didst cause it to take deep root, and it filled04390, 8762 the land.

詩 篇 81:10
I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill04390, 8762 it.

詩 篇 83:16
Fill04390, 8761 their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O LORD.

詩 篇 104:24
O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full04390, 8804 of thy riches.

詩 篇 107:9
For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth04390, 8765 the hungry soul with goodness.

詩 篇 110:6
He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill04390, 8804 the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries. many: or, great

詩 篇 119:64
The earth, O LORD, is full04390, 8804 of thy mercy: teach me thy statutes.

詩 篇 126:2
Then was our mouth filled04390, 8735 with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them. hath...: Heb. hath magnified to do with them

詩 篇 127:5
Happy is the man that hath his quiver full04390, 8765 of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. his...: Heb. filled his quiver with them speak...: or, subdue, or, destroy

詩 篇 129:7
Wherewith the mower filleth04390, 8765 not his hand; nor he that bindeth sheaves his bosom.

箴 言 1:13
We shall find all precious substance, we shall fill04390, 8762 our houses with spoil:

箴 言 3:10
So shall thy barns be filled04390, 8735 with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.

箴 言 6:30
Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy04390, 8763 his soul when he is hungry;

箴 言 8:21
That I may cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill04390, 8762 their treasures.

箴 言 12:21
There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled04390, 8804 with mischief.

箴 言 20:17
Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled04390, 8735 with gravel. deceit: Heb. lying, or, falsehood

箴 言 24:4
And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled04390, 8735 with all precious and pleasant riches.

傳 道 書 1:8
All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it : the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled04390, 8735 with hearing.