
希伯來詞彙 #01323 的意思

bath {bath}

from  01129 and  01121; TWOT - 254b
AV - daughter 526, town 32, village 12, owl +  03284 8, first 3,
apple 1, branches 1, children 1, company 1, daughter +  08676 1,
eye 1, old 1; 588
n f
1) daughter
1a) daughter, girl, adopted daughter, daughter-in-law, sister,
granddaughters, female child, cousin
1a1) as polite address
n pr f
1a2) as designation of women of a particular place
2) young women, women
1a3) as personification
1a4) daughter-villages
1a5) description of character

希伯來詞彙 #01323 在聖經原文中出現的地方

bath {bath} 共有 588 個出處。 這是第 61 至 80 個出處。

創 世 記 30:21
And afterwards she bare a daughter01323, and called her name Dinah. Dinah: that is Judgment

創 世 記 31:26
And Laban said to Jacob, What hast thou done, that thou hast stolen away unawares to me, and carried away my daughters01323, as captives taken with the sword?

創 世 記 31:28
And hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters01323? thou hast now done foolishly in so doing.

創 世 記 31:31
And Jacob answered and said to Laban, Because I was afraid: for I said, Peradventure thou wouldest take by force thy daughters01323 from me.

創 世 記 31:41
Thus have I been twenty years in thy house; I served thee fourteen years for thy two daughters01323, and six years for thy cattle: and thou hast changed my wages ten times.

創 世 記 31:43
And Laban answered and said unto Jacob, These daughters01323 are my daughters01323, and these children are my children, and these cattle are my cattle, and all that thou seest is mine: and what can I do this day unto these my daughters01323, or unto their children which they have born?

創 世 記 31:50
If thou shalt afflict my daughters01323, or if thou shalt take other wives beside my daughters01323, no man is with us; see, God is witness betwixt me and thee.

創 世 記 31:55
And early in the morning Laban rose up, and kissed his sons and his daughters01323, and blessed them: and Laban departed, and returned unto his place.

創 世 記 34:1
And Dinah the daughter01323 of Leah, which she bare unto Jacob, went out to see the daughters01323 of the land.

創 世 記 34:3
And his soul clave unto Dinah the daughter01323 of Jacob, and he loved the damsel, and spake kindly unto the damsel. kindly...: Heb. to the heart of the damsel

創 世 記 34:5
And Jacob heard that he had defiled Dinah his daughter01323: now his sons were with his cattle in the field: and Jacob held his peace until they were come.

創 世 記 34:7
And the sons of Jacob came out of the field when they heard it : and the men were grieved, and they were very wroth, because he had wrought folly in Israel in lying with Jacob's daughter01323; which thing ought not to be done.

創 世 記 34:8
And Hamor communed with them, saying, The soul of my son Shechem longeth for your daughter01323: I pray you give her him to wife.

創 世 記 34:9
And make ye marriages with us, and give your daughters01323 unto us, and take our daughters01323 unto you.

創 世 記 34:16
Then will we give our daughters01323 unto you, and we will take your daughters01323 to us, and we will dwell with you, and we will become one people.