
希伯來詞彙 #07311 的意思

ruwm {room}

a primitive root; TWOT - 2133; v

AV - (lift, hold, etc...) up 63, exalt 47, high 25, offer 13, give 5,
heave 3, extol 3, lofty 3, take 3, tall 3, higher 2, misc 24; 194

1) to rise, rise up, be high, be lofty, be exalted
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to be high, be set on high
1a2) to be raised, be uplifted, be exalted
1a3) to be lifted, rise
1b) (Polel)
1b1) to raise or rear (children), cause to grow up
1b2) to lift up, raise, exalt
1b3) to exalt, extol
1c) (Polal) to be lifted up
1d) (Hiphil)
1d1) to raise, lift, lift up, take up, set up, erect, exalt,
set on high
1d2) to lift up (and take away), remove
1d3) to lift off and present, contribute, offer, contribute
1e) (Hophal) to be taken off, be abolished
1f) (Hithpolel) to exalt oneself, magnify oneself
2) (Qal) to be rotten, be wormy

希伯來詞彙 #07311 在聖經原文中出現的地方

ruwm {room} 共有 195 個出處。 這是第 101 至 120 個出處。

詩 篇 61:2
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher07311, 8799 than I.

詩 篇 66:7
He ruleth by his power for ever; his eyes behold the nations: let not the rebellious exalt07311, 8799, 8675, 07311, 8686 themselves. Selah.

詩 篇 66:17
I cried unto him with my mouth, and he was extolled07311, 8785, 8676, 07318, 8785 with my tongue.

詩 篇 74:3
Lift up07311, 8685 thy feet unto the perpetual desolations; even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.

詩 篇 75:4
I said unto the fools, Deal not foolishly: and to the wicked, Lift not up07311, 8686 the horn:

詩 篇 75:5
Lift not up07311, 8686 your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck.

詩 篇 75:6
For promotion07311, 8687, 8676, 02022 cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. south: Heb. desert

詩 篇 75:7
But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up07311, 8686 another.

詩 篇 75:10
All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted07311, 8783.

詩 篇 78:69
And he built his sanctuary like high07311, 8802 palaces , like the earth which he hath established for ever. established: Heb. founded

詩 篇 89:13
Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is thy hand, and high07311, 8799 is thy right hand. a...: Heb. an arm with might

詩 篇 89:16
In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted07311, 8799.

詩 篇 89:17
For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted07311, 8799, 8675, 07311, 8686.

詩 篇 89:19
Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted07311, 8689 one chosen out of the people.

詩 篇 89:24
But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his horn be exalted07311, 8799.

詩 篇 89:42
Thou hast set up07311, 8689 the right hand of his adversaries; thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.

詩 篇 92:10
But my horn shalt thou exalt07311, 8686 like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.

詩 篇 99:2
The LORD is great in Zion; and he is high07311, 8804 above all the people.