
希伯來詞彙 #0157 的意思

ahab {aw-hab'} or 'aheb {aw-habe'}

a primitive root; TWOT - 29; v
AV - love 169, lover(s) 19, friend(s) 12, beloved 5,
liketh 1, lovely 1, loving 1; 2  08
1) to love
1a) (Qal)
1a1) human love for another, includes family, and sexual
1a2) human appetite for objects such as food, drink, sleep, wisdom
1a3) human love for or to God
1a4) act of being a friend
1a4a) lover (participle)
1a4b) friend (participle)
1a5) God's love toward man
1a5a) to individual men
1a5b) to people Israel
1a5c) to righteousness
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) lovely (participle)
1b2) loveable (participle)
1c) (Piel)
1c1) friends
1c2) lovers (fig. of adulterers)
2) to like

希伯來詞彙 #0157 在聖經原文中出現的地方

ahab {aw-hab'} or 'aheb {aw-habe'} 共有 208 個出處。 這是第 41 至 60 個出處。

約 書 亞 記 22:5
But take diligent heed to do the commandment and the law, which Moses the servant of the LORD charged you, to love0157, 8800 the LORD your God, and to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and to cleave unto him, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.

約 書 亞 記 23:11
Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that ye love0157, 8800 the LORD your God. yourselves: Heb. your souls

士 師 記 5:31
So let all thine enemies perish, O LORD: but let them that love0157, 8802 him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years.

士 師 記 14:16
And Samson's wife wept before him, and said, Thou dost but hate me, and lovest0157, 8804 me not: thou hast put forth a riddle unto the children of my people, and hast not told it me. And he said unto her, Behold, I have not told it my father nor my mother, and shall I tell it thee?

士 師 記 16:4
And it came to pass afterward, that he loved0157, 8799 a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah. in...: or, by the brook

士 師 記 16:15
And she said unto him, How canst thou say, I love0157, 8804 thee, when thine heart is not with me? thou hast mocked me these three times, and hast not told me wherein thy great strength lieth .

路 得 記 4:15
And he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life, and a nourisher of thine old age: for thy daughter in law, which loveth0157, 8804 thee, which is better to thee than seven sons, hath born him. a nourisher of: Heb. to nourish thine...: Heb. thy gray hairs

撒 母 耳 記 上 1:5
But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved0157, 8804 Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb. worthy: or, double

撒 母 耳 記 上 16:21
And David came to Saul, and stood before him: and he loved0157, 8799 him greatly; and he became his armourbearer.

撒 母 耳 記 上 18:1
And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved0157, 8799 him as his own soul.

撒 母 耳 記 上 18:16
But all Israel and Judah loved0157, 8802 David, because he went out and came in before them.

撒 母 耳 記 上 18:20
And Michal Saul's daughter loved0157, 8799 David: and they told Saul, and the thing pleased him. pleased him: Heb. was right in his eyes

撒 母 耳 記 上 18:22
And Saul commanded his servants, saying , Commune with David secretly, and say, Behold, the king hath delight in thee, and all his servants love0157, 8804 thee: now therefore be the king's son in law.

撒 母 耳 記 上 18:28
And Saul saw and knew that the LORD was with David, and that Michal Saul's daughter loved0157, 8804 him.

撒 母 耳 記 上 20:17
And Jonathan caused David to swear again, because he loved him: for he loved0157, 8804 him as he loved his own soul. because...: or, by his love toward him

撒 母 耳 記 下 1:23
Saul and Jonathan were lovely0157, 8737 and pleasant in their lives, and in their death they were not divided: they were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions. pleasant: or, sweet

撒 母 耳 記 下 12:24
And David comforted Bathsheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her: and she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the LORD loved0157, 8804 him.

撒 母 耳 記 下 13:1
And it came to pass after this, that Absalom the son of David had a fair sister, whose name was Tamar; and Amnon the son of David loved0157, 8799 her.

撒 母 耳 記 下 13:4
And he said unto him, Why art thou, being the king's son, lean from day to day? wilt thou not tell me? And Amnon said unto him, I love0157, 8802 Tamar, my brother Absalom's sister. lean: Heb. thin from day...: Heb. morning by morning

撒 母 耳 記 下 13:15
Then Amnon hated her exceedingly; so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved0157, 8804 her. And Amnon said unto her, Arise, be gone. exceedingly: Heb. with great hatred greatly