Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #08055 的意思

samach {saw-makh'}

a primitive root; TWOT - 2268; v
AV - rejoice 95, glad 45, joy 5, joyful 2, merry 2, misc 3; 152
1) to rejoice, be glad
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to rejoice
1a2) to rejoice (arrogantly), exult (at)
1a3) to rejoice (religiously)
1b) (Piel) to cause to rejoice, gladden, make glad
1c) (Hiphil) to cause to rejoice, gladden, make glad

希伯來詞彙 #08055 在聖經原文中出現的地方

samach {saw-makh'} 共有 152 個出處。 這是第 141 至 152 個出處。

何 西 阿 書 9:1
Rejoice08055, 8799 not, O Israel, for joy, as other people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God, thou hast loved a reward upon every cornfloor. upon: or, in, etc

約 珥 書 2:21
Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice08055, 8798: for the LORD will do great things. will...: Heb. hath magnified to do

約 珥 書 2:23
Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice08055, 8798 in the LORD your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month . the former rain moderately: or, a teacher of righteousness moderately: Heb. according to righteousness

俄 巴 底 亞 書 1:12
But thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced08055, 8799 over the children of Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress. spoken...: Heb. magnified thy mouth

約 拿 書 4:6
And the LORD God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his grief. So Jonah was exceeding glad08055, 8799 of the gourd. gourd: or, palmcrist: Heb. Kikajon was...: Heb. rejoiced with great joy

彌 迦 書 7:8
Rejoice08055, 8799 not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.

哈 巴 谷 書 1:15
They take up all of them with the angle, they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag: therefore they rejoice08055, 8799 and are glad. drag: or, flue net

西 番 雅 書 3:14
Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad08055, 8798 and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.

撒 迦 利 亞 書 2:10
Sing and rejoice08055, 8798, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the LORD.

撒 迦 利 亞 書 4:10
For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice08055, 8804, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth. for they...: or, since the seven eyes of the LORD shall rejoice plummet: Heb. stone of tin

撒 迦 利 亞 書 10:7
And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man , and their heart shall rejoice08055, 8804 as through wine: yea, their children shall see it , and be glad08055, 8804; their heart shall rejoice in the LORD.