
希伯來詞彙 #08104 的意思

shamar {shaw-mar'}

a primitive root; TWOT - 2414; v

AV - keep 283, observe 46, heed 35, keeper 28, preserve 21, beware 9,
mark 8, watchman 8, wait 7, watch 7, regard 5, save 2, misc 9; 468

1) to keep, guard, observe, give heed
1a) (Qal)
1a1) to keep, have charge of
1a2) to keep, guard, keep watch and ward, protect, save life
1a2a) watch, watchman (participle)
1a3) to watch for, wait for
1a4) to watch, observe
1a5) to keep, retain, treasure up (in memory)
1a6) to keep (within bounds), restrain
1a7) to observe, celebrate, keep (sabbath or covenant or commands),
perform (vow)
1a8) to keep, preserve, protect
1a9) to keep, reserve
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to be on e's guard, take heed, take care, beware
1b2) to keep eself, refrain, abstain
1b3) to be kept, be guarded
1c) (Piel) to keep, pay heed
1d) (Hithpael) to keep eself from

希伯來詞彙 #08104 在聖經原文中出現的地方

shamar {shaw-mar'} 共有 468 個出處。 這是第 101 至 120 個出處。

申 命 記 8:1
All the commandments which I command thee this day shall ye observe08104, 8799 to do, that ye may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers.

申 命 記 8:2
And thou shalt remember all the way which the LORD thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep08104, 8799 his commandments, or no.

申 命 記 8:6
Therefore thou shalt keep08104, 8804 the commandments of the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him.

申 命 記 8:11
Beware08104, 8734 that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping08104, 8800 his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day:

申 命 記 10:13
To keep08104, 8800 the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, which I command thee this day for thy good?

申 命 記 11:1
Therefore thou shalt love the LORD thy God, and keep08104, 8804 his charge, and his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments, alway.

申 命 記 11:8
Therefore shall ye keep08104, 8804 all the commandments which I command you this day, that ye may be strong, and go in and possess the land, whither ye go to possess it;

申 命 記 11:16
Take heed08104, 8734 to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them;

申 命 記 11:22
For if ye shall diligently08104, 8800 keep08104, 8799 all these commandments which I command you, to do them, to love the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto him;

申 命 記 11:32
And ye shall observe08104, 8804 to do all the statutes and judgments which I set before you this day.

申 命 記 12:1
These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe08104, 8799 to do in the land, which the LORD God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth.

申 命 記 12:13
Take heed08104, 8734 to thyself that thou offer not thy burnt offerings in every place that thou seest:

申 命 記 12:19
Take heed08104, 8734 to thyself that thou forsake not the Levite as long as thou livest upon the earth. as long...: Heb. all thy days

申 命 記 12:28
Observe08104, 8798 and hear all these words which I command thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee for ever, when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD thy God.

申 命 記 12:30
Take heed08104, 8734 to thyself that thou be not snared by following them, after that they be destroyed from before thee; and that thou enquire not after their gods, saying, How did these nations serve their gods? even so will I do likewise. by...: Heb. after them

申 命 記 12:32
What thing soever I command you, observe08104, 8799 to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.

申 命 記 13:4
Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep08104, 8799 his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.

申 命 記 13:18
When thou shalt hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep08104, 8800 all his commandments which I command thee this day, to do that which is right in the eyes of the LORD thy God.