Easton 字典

希臘文詞彙 #1909 的意思

epi {ep-ee'}

a root;; prep
AV - on 196, in 120, upon 159, unto 41, misc 338; 895
1) upon, on, at, by, before
2) of position, on, at, by, over, against
3) , over, on, at, across, against

希臘文詞彙 #1909 在聖經原文中出現的地方

epi {ep-ee'} 共有 897 個出處。 這是第 141 至 160 個出處。

馬 可 福 音 4:20
And these are they which are sown on1909 good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it , and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.

馬 可 福 音 4:21
And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on1909 a candlestick? bushel: the word in the original signifieth a less measure

馬 可 福 音 4:26
And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into1909 the ground;

馬 可 福 音 4:31
It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in1909 the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in1909 the earth:

馬 可 福 音 4:38
And he was in1909 the hinder part of the ship, asleep on1909 a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?

馬 可 福 音 5:21
And when Jesus was passed over again by ship unto the other side, much people gathered unto1909 him: and he was nigh unto the sea.

馬 可 福 音 5:33
But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in1909 her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.

馬 可 福 音 6:25
And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in1909 a charger the head of John the Baptist.

馬 可 福 音 6:28
And brought his head in1909 a charger, and gave it to the damsel: and the damsel gave it to her mother.

馬 可 福 音 6:34
And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward1909 them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.

馬 可 福 音 6:39
And he commanded them to make all sit down by companies upon1909 the green grass.

馬 可 福 音 6:47
And when even was come, the ship was in the midst of the sea, and he alone on1909 the land.

馬 可 福 音 6:48
And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon1909 the sea, and would have passed by them.

馬 可 福 音 6:49
But when they saw him walking upon1909 the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out:

馬 可 福 音 6:52
For they considered not the miracle of1909 the loaves: for their heart was hardened.

馬 可 福 音 6:53
And when they had passed over, they came into1909 the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore.

馬 可 福 音 6:55
And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in1909 beds those that were sick, where they heard he was.

馬 可 福 音 7:30
And when she was come to her house, she found the devil gone out, and her daughter laid upon1909 the bed.