Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #04054 的意思

migrash {mig-rawsh'} also (in pl.) fem. (Ezek. :28)

migrashah {mig-raw-shaw'}
from  01644; TWOT - 388c; n m
AV - suburbs 110, cast out 1; 111
1) common, common land, open land, suburb

希伯來詞彙 #04054 在聖經原文中出現的地方

migrash {mig-rawsh'} also (in pl.) fem. (Ezek. :28) 共有 111 個出處。 這是第 101 至 111 個出處。

歷 代 志 上 6:80
And out of the tribe of Gad; Ramoth in Gilead with her suburbs04054, and Mahanaim with her suburbs04054,

歷 代 志 上 6:81
And Heshbon with her suburbs04054, and Jazer with her suburbs04054.

歷 代 志 上 13:2
And David said unto all the congregation of Israel, If it seem good unto you, and that it be of the LORD our God, let us send abroad unto our brethren every where, that are left in all the land of Israel, and with them also to the priests and Levites which are in their cities and suburbs04054, that they may gather themselves unto us: send...: Heb. break forth and send in their...: Heb. in the cities of their suburbs

歷 代 志 下 11:14
For the Levites left their suburbs04054 and their possession, and came to Judah and Jerusalem: for Jeroboam and his sons had cast them off from executing the priest's office unto the LORD:

歷 代 志 下 31:19
Also of the sons of Aaron the priests, which were in the fields of the suburbs04054 of their cities, in every several city, the men that were expressed by name, to give portions to all the males among the priests, and to all that were reckoned by genealogies among the Levites.

以 西 結 書 27:28
The suburbs04054 shall shake at the sound of the cry of thy pilots. suburbs: or, waves

以 西 結 書 36:5
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all Idumea, which have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out04054 for a prey.

以 西 結 書 45:2
Of this there shall be for the sanctuary five hundred in length , with five hundred in breadth , square round about; and fifty cubits round about for the suburbs04054 thereof. suburbs: or, void places

以 西 結 書 48:15
And the five thousand, that are left in the breadth over against the five and twenty thousand, shall be a profane place for the city, for dwelling, and for suburbs04054: and the city shall be in the midst thereof.

以 西 結 書 48:17
And the suburbs04054 of the city shall be toward the north two hundred and fifty, and toward the south two hundred and fifty, and toward the east two hundred and fifty, and toward the west two hundred and fifty.