Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #07055 的意思

Q@muw'el {kem-oo-ale'}

from  06965 and  0410;; n pr m
AV - Kemuel 3; 3
Kemuel = "raised of God"
1) son of Nahor by Milcah and father of Aram
2) son of Shiphtan, prince of the tribe of Ephraim, and one of the 12
men selected to apportion the promised land between the tribes
3) Levite, father of Hashabiah, prince of the tribe in the time of David

希伯來詞彙 #07055 在聖經原文中出現的地方

Q@muw'el {kem-oo-ale'} 共有 3 個出處。 這是第 1 至 3 個出處。

創 世 記 22:21
Huz his firstborn, and Buz his brother, and Kemuel07055 the father of Aram,

民 數 記 34:24
And the prince of the tribe of the children of Ephraim, Kemuel07055 the son of Shiphtan.

歷 代 志 上 27:17
Of the Levites, Hashabiah the son of Kemuel07055: of the Aaronites, Zadok: