Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #0251 的意思

ach {awkh}

a primitive word; TWOT - 62a; n m

AV - brethren 332, brother 269, another 23, brotherly 1, kindred 1,
like 1, another 1, other 1; 629

1) brother
1a) brother of same parents
1b) half-brother (same father)
1c) relative, kinship, same tribe
1d) each to the other (reciprocal relationship)
1e) (fig.) of resemblance

希伯來詞彙 #0251 在聖經原文中出現的地方

ach {awkh} 共有 629 個出處。 這是第 141 至 160 個出處。

創 世 記 44:20
And we said unto my lord, We have a father, an old man, and a child of his old age, a little one; and his brother0251 is dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loveth him.

創 世 記 44:23
And thou saidst unto thy servants, Except your youngest brother0251 come down with you, ye shall see my face no more.

創 世 記 44:26
And we said, We cannot go down: if our youngest brother0251 be with us, then will we go down: for we may not see the man's face, except our youngest brother0251 be with us.

創 世 記 44:33
Now therefore, I pray thee, let thy servant abide instead of the lad a bondman to my lord; and let the lad go up with his brethren0251.

創 世 記 45:1
Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren0251.

創 世 記 45:3
And Joseph said unto his brethren0251, I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? And his brethren0251 could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence. troubled: or, terrified

創 世 記 45:4
And Joseph said unto his brethren0251, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother0251, whom ye sold into Egypt.

創 世 記 45:12
And, behold, your eyes see, and the eyes of my brother0251 Benjamin, that it is my mouth that speaketh unto you.

創 世 記 45:14
And he fell upon his brother0251 Benjamin's neck, and wept; and Benjamin wept upon his neck.

創 世 記 45:15
Moreover he kissed all his brethren0251, and wept upon them: and after that his brethren0251 talked with him.

創 世 記 45:16
And the fame thereof was heard in Pharaoh's house, saying, Joseph's brethren0251 are come: and it pleased Pharaoh well, and his servants. pleased...: Heb. was good in the eyes of Pharaoh

創 世 記 45:17
And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto thy brethren0251, This do ye; lade your beasts, and go, get you unto the land of Canaan;

創 世 記 45:24
So he sent his brethren0251 away, and they departed: and he said unto them, See that ye fall not out by the way.

創 世 記 46:31
And Joseph said unto his brethren0251, and unto his father's house, I will go up, and shew Pharaoh, and say unto him, My brethren0251, and my father's house, which were in the land of Canaan, are come unto me;

創 世 記 47:1
Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh, and said, My father and my brethren0251, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan; and, behold, they are in the land of Goshen.