Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #05982 的意思

`ammuwd {am-mood'} or `ammud {am-mood'}

from  05975; TWOT - 1637c; n m

AV - pillar 1  09, apiece +  0259 1; 110

1) pillar, column
1a) pillar
1b) column, upright
1c) column (of smoke)

希伯來詞彙 #05982 在聖經原文中出現的地方

`ammuwd {am-mood'} or `ammud {am-mood'} 共有 110 個出處。 這是第 81 至 100 個出處。

歷 代 志 下 3:15
Also he made before the house two pillars05982 of thirty and five cubits high, and the chapiter that was on the top of each of them was five cubits. high: Heb. long

歷 代 志 下 3:16
And he made chains, as in the oracle, and put them on the heads of the pillars05982; and made an hundred pomegranates, and put them on the chains.

歷 代 志 下 3:17
And he reared up the pillars05982 before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin, and the name of that on the left Boaz. Jachin: that is, He shall establish Boaz: that is, In it is strength

歷 代 志 下 4:12
To wit , the two pillars05982, and the pommels, and the chapiters which were on the top of the two pillars05982, and the two wreaths to cover the two pommels of the chapiters which were on the top of the pillars05982;

歷 代 志 下 4:13
And four hundred pomegranates on the two wreaths; two rows of pomegranates on each wreath, to cover the two pommels of the chapiters which were upon the pillars05982. upon: Heb. upon the face of

歷 代 志 下 23:13
And she looked, and, behold, the king stood at his pillar05982 at the entering in, and the princes and the trumpets by the king: and all the people of the land rejoiced, and sounded with trumpets, also the singers with instruments of musick, and such as taught to sing praise. Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and said, Treason, Treason. Treason: Heb. Conspiracy

尼 希 米 記 9:12
Moreover thou leddest them in the day by a cloudy pillar05982; and in the night by a pillar05982 of fire, to give them light in the way wherein they should go.

尼 希 米 記 9:19
Yet thou in thy manifold mercies forsookest them not in the wilderness: the pillar05982 of the cloud departed not from them by day, to lead them in the way; neither the pillar05982 of fire by night, to shew them light, and the way wherein they should go.

以 斯 帖 記 1:6
Where were white, green, and blue, hangings , fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver rings and pillars05982 of marble: the beds were of gold and silver, upon a pavement of red, and blue, and white, and black, marble. blue, hangings: or, violet, etc of red...: or, of porphyre, and marble and alabaster, and stone of blue colour

約 伯 記 9:6
Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars05982 thereof tremble.

約 伯 記 26:11
The pillars05982 of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof.

詩 篇 75:3
The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved: I bear up the pillars05982 of it. Selah.

詩 篇 99:7
He spake unto them in the cloudy pillar05982: they kept his testimonies, and the ordinance that he gave them.

箴 言 9:1
Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars05982:

雅 歌 3:10
He made the pillars05982 thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold, the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem.

雅 歌 5:15
His legs are as pillars05982 of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.