Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #01592 的意思

G@nubath {ghen-oo-bath'}

from  01589;; n pr m
AV - Genubath 2; 2
Genubath = "theft"
1) son of Hadad, an Edomite of the royal family, by an Egyptian
princess, the sister of Tahpenes, the queen of the Pharaoh who
governed Egypt in the latter part of the reign of David

希伯來詞彙 #01592 在聖經原文中出現的地方

G@nubath {ghen-oo-bath'} 共有 2 個出處。 這是第 1 至 2 個出處。

列 王 紀 上 11:20
And the sister of Tahpenes bare him Genubath01592 his son, whom Tahpenes weaned in Pharaoh's house: and Genubath01592 was in Pharaoh's household among the sons of Pharaoh.