Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #02024 的意思

Hara' {haw-raw'}

perhaps from  02022;; n pr loc
AV - Hara 1; 1
Hara = "mountain land"
1) a place of exile in Assyria

希伯來詞彙 #02024 在聖經原文中出現的地方

Hara' {haw-raw'} 共有 1 個出處。 這是第 1 至 1 個出處。

歷 代 志 上 5:26
And the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria, and the spirit of Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria, and he carried them away, even the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh, and brought them unto Halah, and Habor, and Hara02024, and to the river Gozan, unto this day.