
希伯來詞彙 #07804 的意思

sh@zab (Aramaic) {shez-ab'}

corresponding to  05800; TWOT - 3  027; v
AV - deliver 9; 9
1) (Peel or Peil) to deliver

希伯來詞彙 #07804 在聖經原文中出現的地方

sh@zab (Aramaic) {shez-ab'} 共有 9 個出處。 這是第 1 至 9 個出處。

但 以 理 書 3:15
Now if ye be ready that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the image which I have made; well : but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and who is that God that shall deliver07804, 8755 you out of my hands? dulcimer: or, singing: Chaldee, symphony

但 以 理 書 3:17
If it be so , our God whom we serve is able to deliver07804, 8756 us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver07804, 8755 us out of thine hand, O king.

但 以 理 書 3:28
Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered07804, 8758 his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king's word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.

但 以 理 書 6:14
Then the king, when he heard these words, was sore displeased with himself, and set his heart on Daniel to deliver07804, 8756 him: and he laboured till the going down of the sun to deliver him.

但 以 理 書 6:16
Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver07804, 8755 thee.

但 以 理 書 6:20
And when he came to the den, he cried with a lamentable voice unto Daniel: and the king spake and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God, is thy God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver07804, 8756 thee from the lions?

但 以 理 書 6:27
He delivereth07804, 8757 and rescueth, and he worketh signs and wonders in heaven and in earth, who hath delivered07804, 8758 Daniel from the power of the lions. power: Chaldee, hand