Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #04853 的意思

massa' {mas-saw'}

from  05375; TWOT - 1421d,1421e;

AV - burden 57, song 3, prophecy 2, set 1, exaction 1, carry away 1,
tribute 1; 66

n m
1) load, bearing, tribute, burden, lifting
1a) load, burden
1b) lifting, uplifting, that to which the soul lifts itself up
1c) bearing, carrying
1d) tribute, that which is carried or brought or borne
2) utterance, oracle, burden
n pr m (BDB)
Massa = "burden"
3) a son of Ishmael

希伯來詞彙 #04853 在聖經原文中出現的地方

massa' {mas-saw'} 共有 66 個出處。 這是第 61 至 66 個出處。

何 西 阿 書 8:10
Yea, though they have hired among the nations, now will I gather them, and they shall sorrow a little for the burden04853 of the king of princes. sorrow: or, begin a...: or, in a little while

那 鴻 書 1:1
The burden04853 of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.

哈 巴 谷 書 1:1
The burden04853 which Habakkuk the prophet did see.

撒 迦 利 亞 書 9:1
The burden04853 of the word of the LORD in the land of Hadrach, and Damascus shall be the rest thereof: when the eyes of man, as of all the tribes of Israel, shall be toward the LORD.

撒 迦 利 亞 書 12:1
The burden04853 of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.

瑪 拉 基 書 1:1
The burden04853 of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi. by...: Heb. by the hand of