Easton 字典

希臘文詞彙 #5298 的意思

hupochoreo {hoop-okh-o-reh'-o}

from 5259 and 5562;; v
AV - withdrew + 2258 1, go aside 1; 2
1) to go back
2) withdraw

希臘文詞彙 #5298 在聖經原文中出現的地方

hupochoreo {hoop-okh-o-reh'-o} 共有 2 個出處。 這是第 1 至 2 個出處。

路 加 福 音 5:16
And he withdrew2258, 5713, 5298, 5723 himself into the wilderness, and prayed.

路 加 福 音 9:10
And the apostles, when they were returned, told him all that they had done. And he took them, and went aside5298, 5656 privately into a desert place belonging to the city called Bethsaida.