Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #03581 的意思

koach {ko'-akh} or (Dan. :6) kowach {ko'-akh}

from an unused root meaning to be firm; TWOT - 973.1; n m

AV - strength 58, power 47, might 7, force 3, ability 2, able 2,
able +  06113 1, chameleon 1, fruits 1, powerful 1, substance 1,
wealth 1, weary +  03019 1; 126

1) strength, power, might
1a) human strength
1b) strength (of angels)
1c) power (of God)
1d) strength (of animals)
1e) strength, produce, wealth (of soil)
2) a small reptile, probably a kind of lizard, which is unclean
2a) perhaps an extinct animal, exact meaning is unknown

希伯來詞彙 #03581 在聖經原文中出現的地方

koach {ko'-akh} or (Dan. :6) kowach {ko'-akh} 共有 126 個出處。 這是第 121 至 126 個出處。

阿 摩 司 書 2:14
Therefore the flight shall perish from the swift, and the strong shall not strengthen his force03581, neither shall the mighty deliver himself: himself: Heb. his soul, or, life

彌 迦 書 3:8
But truly I am full of power03581 by the spirit of the LORD, and of judgment, and of might, to declare unto Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin.

那 鴻 書 1:3
The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power03581, and will not at all acquit the wicked : the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

那 鴻 書 2:1
He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power03581 mightily.

哈 巴 谷 書 1:11
Then shall his mind change, and he shall pass over, and offend, imputing this his power03581 unto his god.

撒 迦 利 亞 書 4:6
Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power03581, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. might: or, army