Easton 字典

希伯來詞彙 #08193 的意思

saphah {saw-faw'} or (in dual and plural) sepheth {sef-eth'}

probably from  05595 or  08192 through the idea of termination (compare
 05490); TWOT - 2278a; n f
AV - lip 112, bank 10, brim 8, edge 8, language 7, speech 6, shore 6,
brink 5, border 3, side 3, prating 2, vain 2, misc 4; 176
1) lip, language, speech, shore, bank, bri m, side, edge,
border, binding
1a) lip (as body part)
1b) language
1c) edge, shore, bank (of cup, sea, river, etc)

希伯來詞彙 #08193 在聖經原文中出現的地方

saphah {saw-faw'} or (in dual and plural) sepheth {sef-eth'} 共有 176 個出處。 這是第 121 至 140 個出處。

箴 言 16:27
An ungodly man diggeth up evil: and in his lips08193 there is as a burning fire. An...: Heb. A man of Belial

箴 言 16:30
He shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: moving his lips08193 he bringeth evil to pass.

箴 言 17:4
A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips08193; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.

箴 言 17:7
Excellent speech08193 becometh not a fool: much less do lying lips08193 a prince. Excellent...: Heb. A lip of excellency lying...: Heb. a lip of lying

箴 言 17:28
Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips08193 is esteemed a man of understanding.

箴 言 18:6
A fool's lips08193 enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.

箴 言 18:7
A fool's mouth is his destruction, and his lips08193 are the snare of his soul.

箴 言 18:20
A man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips08193 shall he be filled.

箴 言 19:1
Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips08193, and is a fool.

箴 言 20:15
There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips08193 of knowledge are a precious jewel.

箴 言 20:19
He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips08193. flattereth: or, enticeth

箴 言 22:11
He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips08193 the king shall be his friend. for...: or, and hath grace in his lips

箴 言 22:18
For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips08193. within...: Heb. in thy belly

箴 言 23:16
Yea, my reins shall rejoice, when thy lips08193 speak right things.

箴 言 24:2
For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips08193 talk of mischief.

箴 言 24:26
Every man shall kiss his lips08193 that giveth a right answer. that...: Heb. that answereth right words

箴 言 24:28
Be not a witness against thy neighbour without cause; and deceive not with thy lips08193.

箴 言 26:23
Burning lips08193 and a wicked heart are like a potsherd covered with silver dross.

箴 言 26:24
He that hateth dissembleth with his lips08193, and layeth up deceit within him; dissembleth: or, is known