創 世 記 3:6
於是女人 802 見 7200 , 8799 # 3588 那棵樹 6086 的果子好 2896 作食物 9001 , 3978 , # 1931 也 3588 悅人 8378 的眼目 9001 , 5869 , 且 # 6086 是可喜愛的 2530 , 8737 , 能使人有智慧 9001 , 7919 , 8687 , 就摘下 3947 , 8799 果子 4480 , 6529 來吃了 398 , 8799 , 又 1571 給 5414 , 8799 他丈夫 9001 , 376 , 他丈夫也 5973 吃了 398 , 8799 。 Genesis 3:6 And when the woman 802 saw 7200 , 8799 that the tree 6086 was good 2896 for food 3978 , and that it 1931 was pleasant 8378 to the eyes 5869 , and a tree 6086 to be desired 2530 , 8737 to make one wise 7919 , 8687 , she took 3947 , 8799 of the fruit thereof 6529 , and did eat 398 , 8799 , and gave 5414 , 8799 also 1571 unto her husband 376 with her; and he did eat 398 , 8799 . [pleasant: Heb. a desire] |
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