搜尋 Dan 共找到 23 項結果

father of judgment; judge, head of the tribe of Benjamin at the Exodus (Num. 1:11;2:22).......

he has given a son, the father of the Babylonian king (2-Kings 20:12; Isa. 39:1) Merodach-baladan (q.v.).......

one of the judges of Israel (1-Sam 12:11). It is uncertain who he was. Some suppose that Barak is meant, others Samson, but most probably this is a contracted form of Abdon (Judg. 12:13). ......

the king of Babylon who sent a friendly deputation to Hezekiah (2-Kings 20:12). In Isa. 39:1 he is called Merodach-baladan (q.v.).......

a judge. (1.) The fifth son of Jacob. His mother was Bilhah, Rachel's maid (Gen. 30:6, Gen. 30: "God hath judged me", Heb. dananni). The blessing pronounced on him by his father was, "Dan shall judge his people" (9:16), probably in allusion to the judgeship of Samson, who was of the tribe of Dan. The tribe of Dan had their place in the march through the wilderness on the north side of the tabern......

woodland Dan, a place probably somewhere in the direction of Dan, near the sources of the Jordan (2-Sam 24:6). The LXX. and the Vulgate read "Dan-ja'ar", i.e., "Dan in the forest." ......

found in Judg. 21:21, Judg. 21: 23; Psa 30:11;149:3;150:4; Jer. 31:4, Jer. 31: 13, etc., as the translation of _hul_, which points to the whirling motion of Oriental sacred dances. It is the rendering of a word (rakad') which means to skip or leap for joy, in Eccl. 3:4; Job 21:11; Isa. 13:21, Isa. 13: etc. In the New Testament it is in like manner the translation of different Greek words, circul......

God is my judge, or judge of God. (1.) David's second son, "born unto him in Hebron, of Abigail the Carmelitess" (1-Chr 3:1). He is called also Chileab (2-Sam 3:3). (2.) One of the four great prophets, although he is not once spoken of in the Old Testament as a prophet. His life and prophecies are recorded in the Book of Daniel. He was descended from one of the noble families of Judah (Dan. 1:3)......

is ranked by the Jews in that division of their Bible called the Hagiographa (Heb. Khethubim). (See BIBLE.) It consists of two distinct parts. The first part, consisting of the first six chapters, is chiefly historical; and the second part, consisting of the remaining six chapters, is chiefly prophetical. The historical part of the book treats of the period of the Captivity. Daniel is "the histo......

murmuring, a city (Josh. 15:49) in the mountains of Judah about 8 miles south-west of Hebron. ......

low ground. (1.) A son of Raamah (Gen. 10:7). His descendants are mentioned in Isa. 21:13, Isa. 21: and Ezek. 27:15. They probably settled among the sons of Cush, on the north-west coast of the Persian Gulf. (2.) A son of Jokshan, Abraham's son by Keturah (1-Chr 1:32). His descendants settled on the Syrian borders about the territory of Edom. They probably led a pastoral life. ......

the descendants of Dedan, the son of Raamah. They are mentioned in Isa. 21:13 as sending out "travelling companies" which lodged "in the forest of Arabia." They are enumerated also by Ezekiel (27:20) among the merchants who supplied Tyre with precious things. ......

leaders, a race descended from Javan (Gen. 10:4). They are known in profane history as the Dardani, originally inhabiting Illyricum. They were a semi-Pelasgic race, and in the ethnographical table (Gen. 10) they are grouped with the Chittim (q.v.). In 1-Chr 1:7, 1-Chr 1: they are called Rodanim. The LXX. and the Samaritan Version also read Rhodii, whence some have concluded that the Rhodians, the ......

consideration in judging, stood at Ezra's left hand when he read the law (Neh. 8:4).......

Jehovah his ornament, the wife of King Jehoash, and mother of King Amaziah (2-Kings 14:2). ......

Heb. Yarden, "the descender;" Arab. Nahr-esh-Sheriah, "the watering-place" the chief river of Palestine. It flows from north to south down a deep valley in the centre of the country. The name descender is significant of the fact that there is along its whole course a descent to its banks; or it may simply denote the rapidity with which it "descends" to the Dead Sea. It originates in the snows of......

The Authorized Version, following the Vulgate, has this rendering in Josh. 19:34. It has been suggested that, following the Masoretic punctuation, the expression should read thus, "and Judah; the Jordan was toward the sun-rising." The sixty cities (Havoth-jair, Num. 32:41) on the east of Jordan were reckoned as belonging to Judah, because Jair, their founder, was a Manassite only on his mother's s......

Judg. 18:12 = "camp of Dan"13:25 (R.V., "Mahaneh-dan"), a place behind (i.e., west of) Kirjath-jearim, where the six hundred Danites from Zorah and Eshtaol encamped on their way to capture the city of Laish, which they rebuilt and called "Dan, after the name of their father" (18:11). The Palestine Explorers point to a ruin called 'Erma, situated about 3 miles from the great corn valley on the east......

contention, the third son of Abraham by Keturah (Gen. 25:2). ......

Merodach has given a son, (Isa. 39:1), "the hereditary chief of the Chaldeans, a small tribe at that time settled in the marshes at the mouth of the Euphrates, but in consequence of his conquest of Babylon afterwards, they became the dominant caste in Babylonia itself." One bearing this name sent ambassadors to Hezekiah (B.C. 721). He is also called Berodach-baladan (2-Kings 20:12; 2-Chr 20:31). (......

"the captain of the guard," in rank next to the king, who appears prominent in directing affairs at the capture of Jerusalem (2-Kings 25:8; Jer. 39:11;40:2). He showed kindness toward Jeremiah, as commanded by Nebuchadnezzar (0:1). Five years after this he again came to Jerusalem and carried captive seven hundred and forty-five more Jews.......

a plain, occurring only in Gen. 48:7, Gen. 48: where it designates Padan-aram.......

the plain of Aram, or the plain of the highlands, (Gen. 25:20;28:2, 28: 5-7;31:18, 31: etc.), commonly regarded as the district of Mesopotamia (q.v.) lying around Haran.......