搜尋 Mattan 共找到 3 項結果

gift. (1.) A priest of Baal, slain before his altar during the reformation under Jehoiada (2-Kings 11:18). (2.) The son of Eleazar, and father of Jacob, who was the father of Joseph, the husband of the Virgin Mary (Matt. 1:15). (3.) The father of Shephatiah (Jer. 38:1). ......

a gift, a station of the Israelites (Num. 21:18, Num. 21: 19) between the desert and the borders of Moab, in the Wady Waleh. ......

gift of Jehovah. (1.) A Levite, son of Heman, the chief of the ninth class of temple singers (1-Chr 25:4, 1-Chr 25: 16). (2.) A Levite who assisted in purifying the temple at the reformation under Hezekiah (2-Chr 29:13). (3.) The original name of Zedekiah (q.v.), the last of the kings of Judah (2-Kings 24:17). He was the third son of Josiah, who fell at Megiddo. He succeeded his nephew Jehoiak......