搜尋 Rechab 共找到 2 項結果

horseman, or chariot. (1.) One of Ishbosheth's "captains of bands" or leaders of predatory troops (2-Sam 4:2). (2.) The father of Jehonadab, who was the father of the Rechabites (2-Kings 10:15, 2-Kings 10: 23; Jer. 35:6).......

the descendants of Rechab through Jonadab or Jehonadab. They belonged to the Kenites, who accompanied the children of Israel into Palestine, and dwelt among them. Moses married a Kenite wife (Judg. 1:16), and Jael was the wife of "Heber the Kenite" (4:17). Saul also showed kindness to the Kenites (1-Sam 15:6). The main body of the Kenites dwelt in cities, and adopted settled habits of life (30:29)......