搜尋 Shelemiah 共找到 2 項結果

friendship of Jehovah, a Levite of the family of the Korhites, called also Shelemiah (1-Chr 9:21;26:1, 26: 2, 9, 14). He was a temple gate-keeper in the time of David. ......

whom Jehovah repays. (1.) Ezra 10:39. (2.) The father of Hananiah (Neh. 3:30). (3.) A priest in the time of Nehemiah (13:13). (4.) Father of one of those who accused Jeremiah to Zedekiah (Jer. 37:3;38:1). (5.) Father of a captain of the ward (Jer. 37:13). (6.) Jer. 36:14.......