搜尋 Succoth 共找到 2 項結果

booths. (1.) The first encampment of the Israelites after leaving Ramesses (Exo 12:37); the civil name of Pithom (q.v.). (2.) A city on the east of Jordan, identified with Tell Dar'ala, a high mound, a mass of debris, in the plain north of Jabbok and about one mile from it (Josh. 13:27). Here Jacob (Gen. 32:17, Gen. 32: 30;33:17), on his return from Padan-aram after his interview with Esau, buil......

tents of daughters, supposed to be the name of a Babylonian deity, the goddess Zir-banit, the wife of Merodach, worshipped by the colonists in Samaria (2-Kings 17:30). ......