搜尋 Ardon 共找到 3 項結果

descendant, the last of the three sons of Caleb by his first wife Azubah (1-Chr 2:18).......

the forgiveness of sins granted freely (Isa. 43:25), readily (Neh. 9:17; Psa 86:5), abundantly (Isa. 55:7; Rom. 5:20). Pardon is an act of a sovereign, in pure sovereignty, granting simply a remission of the penalty due to sin, but securing neither honour nor reward to the pardoned. Justification (q.v.), on the other hand, is the act of a judge, and not of a sovereign, and includes pardon and, at ......

(Rev. 21:20), a species of the carnelian combining the sard and the onyx, having three layers of opaque spots or stripes on a transparent red basis. Like the sardine, it is a variety of the chalcedony. ......