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The resurrection of Jesus (Acts 17:31) is the "assurance" (Gr. pistis, generally rendered "faith") or pledge God has given that his revelation is true and worthy of acceptance. The "full assurance [Gr. plerophoria, 'full bearing'] of faith" (Heb. 10:22) is a fulness of faith in God which leaves no room for doubt. The "full assurance of understanding" (Col. 2:2) is an entire unwavering conviction o......

Several words are so rendered in the Authorized Version. (1.) Those which are indefinite. (a) Hok, Isa. 5:14, Isa. 5: elsewhere "statute." (b) Mad, Job 11:9; Jer. 13:25, Jer. 13: elsewhere "garment." (c) Middah, the word most frequently thus translated, Exo 26:2, Exo 26: 8, etc. (d) Mesurah, Lev. 19:35; 1-Chr 23:29. (e) Mishpat, Jer. 30:11, Jer. 30: elsewhere "judgment." (f) Mithkoneth and token, ......

one of the cardinal facts and doctrines of the gospel. If Christ be not risen, our faith is vain (1-Cor 15:14). The whole of the New Testament revelation rests on this as an historical fact. On the day of Pentecost Peter argued the necessity of Christ's resurrection from the prediction in Ps. 16 (Acts 2:24). In his own discourses, also, our Lord clearly intimates his resurrection (Matt. 20:19; Mar......

will be simultaneous both of the just and the unjust (Dan. 12:2; John 5:28, John 5: 29; Rom. 2:6; 2-Thess 1:6). The qualities of the resurrection body will be different from those of the body laid in the grave (1-Cor 15:53, 1-Cor 15: 54; Phil. 3:21); but its identity will nevertheless be preserved. It will still be the same body (1-Cor 15:42) which rises again. As to the nature of the resurrecti......

one who becomes responsible for another. Christ is the surety of the better covenant (Heb. 7:22). In him we have the assurance that all its provisions will be fully and faithfully carried out. Solomon warns against incautiously becoming security for another (Prov. 6:1;11:15;17:18;20:16). ......

store cities which the Israelites built for the Egyptians (Exo 1:11). (See PITHOM.) Towns in which the treasures of the kings of Judah were kept were so designated (1-Chr 27:25). ......

the houses or magazines built for the safe keeping of treasure and valuable articles of any kind (Ezra 5:17;7:20; Neh. 10:38; Dan. 1:2). ......

(Matt. 27:6; Mark 12:41; John 8:20). It does not appear that there was a separate building so called. The name was given to the thirteen brazen chests, called "trumpets," from the form of the opening into which the offerings of the temple worshippers were put. These stood in the outer "court of the women." "Nine chests were for the appointed money-tribute and for the sacrifice-tribute, i.e., money......

the sum paid for the use of money, hence interest; not, as in the modern sense, exorbitant interest. The Jews were forbidden to exact usury (Lev. 25:36, Lev. 25: 37), only, however, in their dealings with each other (Deut. 23:19, Deut. 23: 20). The violation of this law was viewed as a great crime (Psa 15:5; Prov. 28:8; Jer. 15:10). After the Return, and later, this law was much neglected (Neh. 5:......