搜尋 BED 共找到 11 項結果

servant of Nego=Nebo, the Chaldee name given to Azariah, one of Daniel's three companions (Dan. 2:49). With Shadrach and Meshach, he was delivered from the burning fiery furnace (3:12).......

(Heb. mittah), for rest at night (Exo 8:3; 1-Sam 19:13, 1-Sam 19: 15, 16, etc.); during sickness (Gen. 47:31;48:2;49:33, 49: etc.); as a sofa for rest (1-Sam 28:23; Amos 3:12). Another Hebrew word (er'es) so rendered denotes a canopied bed, or a bed with curtains (Deut. 3:11; Psa 132:3), for sickness (Psa 6:6;41:3). In the New Testament it denotes sometimes a litter with a coverlet (Matt. 9:2, M......

an apartment in Eastern houses, furnished with a slightly elevated platform at the upper end and sometimes along the sides, on which were laid mattresses. This was the general arrangement of the public sleeping-room for the males of the family and for guests, but there were usually besides distinct bed-chambers of a more private character (2-Kings 4:10; Exo 8:3; 2-Kings 6:12). In 2-Kings 11:2 this......

one of the judges of Israel (1-Sam 12:11). It is uncertain who he was. Some suppose that Barak is meant, others Samson, but most probably this is a contracted form of Abdon (Judg. 12:13). ......

used in Deut. 3:11, Deut. 3: but elsewhere rendered "couch," "bed." In 2-Kings 1:4;16:2; Psa 132:3; Amos 3:12, Amos 3: the divan is meant by this word. ......

slave, the father of Gaal, in whom the men of Shechem "put confidence" in their conspiracy against Abimelech (Judg. 9:26, Judg. 9: 26, 30, 31). ......

a servant of the king; probably an official title, an Ethiopian, "one of the eunuchs which was in the king's house;" i.e., in the palace of Zedekiah, king of Judah. He interceded with the king in Jeremiah's behalf, and was the means of saving him from death by famine (Jer. 38:7: 39:15). ......

Jehovah is her glory, the wife of Amram, and the mother of Miriam, Aaron, and Moses (Num. 26:59). She is spoken of as the sister of Kohath, Amram's father (Exo 6:20; comp. 16, 18;2:1). ......

serving; worshipping. (1.) A son of Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 4:21, Ruth 4: 22), and the grandfather of David (Matt. 1:5). (2.) 1-Chr 2:34. (3.) 1-Chr 26:7. (4.) 2-Chr 23:1. ......

servant of Edom. (1.) "The Gittite" (probably so called because he was a native of Gath-rimmon), a Levite of the family of the Korhites (1-Chr 26:1, 1-Chr 26: 4-8), to whom was specially intrusted the custody of the ark (1-Chr 15:18). When David was bringing up the ark "from the house of Abinadab, that was in Gibeah" (probably some hill or eminence near Kirjath-jearim), and had reached Nachon's th......

a Galilean fisherman, the husband of Salome (q.v.), and the father of James and John, two of our Lord's disciples (Matt. 4:21;27:56; Mark 15:40). He seems to have been a man of some position in Capernaum, for he had two boats (Luke 5:4) and "hired servants" (Mark 1:20) of his own. No mention is made of him after the call of his two sons by Jesus.......