搜尋 Ishma 共找到 4 項結果

God hears. (1.) Abraham's eldest son, by Hagar the concubine (Gen. 16:15;17:23). He was born at Mamre, when Abraham was eighty-six years of age, eleven years after his arrival in Canaan (16:3;21:5). At the age of thirteen he was circumcised (17:25). He grew up a true child of the desert, wild and wayward. On the occasion of the weaning of Isaac his rude and wayward spirit broke out in expressions ......

heard by Jehovah. (1.) A Gibeonite who joined David at Ziklag, "a hero among the thirty and over the thirty" (1-Chr 12:4). (2.) Son of Obadiah, and viceroy of Zebulun under David and Solomon (1-Chr 27:19). ......

hearing. (1.) One of the sons of Ishmael (Gen. 25:14), and founder of an Arab tribe. (2.) A Simeonite (1-Chr 4:25, 1-Chr 4: 26). ......

fatness, one of the Gadite heroes who gathered to David at Ziklag (1-Chr 12:10). ......