搜尋 Ram 共找到 33 項結果

(Judg. 11:33, Judg. 11: R.V.; A. V., "plain of the vineyards"), a village of the Ammonites, whither Jephthah pursued their forces.......

father of height; i.e., "proud." (1.) One of the sons of Eliab, who joined Korah in the conspiracy against Moses and Aaron. He and all the conspirators, with their families and possessions (except the children of Korah), were swallowed up by an earthquake (Num. 16:1;26:9; Psa 106:17). (2.) The eldest son of Hiel the Bethelite, who perished prematurely in consequence of his father's undertaking t......

exalted father. (see ABRAHAM.) ......

(Adoram, 1-Kings 12:18), the son of Abda, was "over the tribute," i.e., the levy or forced labour. He was stoned to death by the people of Israel (1-Kings 4:6;5:14) ......

See ADONIRAM.......

Adar the king. (1.) An idol; a form of the sun-god worshipped by the inhabitants of Sepharvaim (2-Kings 17:31), and brought by the Sepharvite colonists into Samaria. (2.) A son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria (2-Kings 19:37; Isa. 37:38).......

a city of Asia Minor on the coast of Mysia, which in early times was called AEolis. The ship in which Paul embarked at Caesarea belonged to this city (Acts 27:2). He was conveyed in it only to Myra, in Lycia, whence he sailed in an Alexandrian ship to Italy. It was a rare thing for a ship to sail from any port of Palestine direct for Italy. It still bears the name Adramyti, and is a place of some ......

kindred of the High; i.e., "friend of Jehovah." (1.) The son of Kohath, the son of Levi. He married Jochebed, "his father's sister," and was the father of Aaron, Miriam, and Moses (Exo 6:18, Exo 6: 20; Num. 3:19). He died in Egypt at the age of 137 years (Exo 6:20). His descendants were called Amramites (Num. 3:27; 1-Chr 26:23). (2.) Ezra 10:34.......

the son of Shem (Gen. 10:22); according to Gen. 22:21, Gen. 22: a grandson of Nahor. In Matt. 1:3, Matt. 1: 4, and Luke 3:33, Luke 3: this word is the Greek form of Ram, the father of Amminadab (1-Chr 2:10). The word means high, or highlands, and as the name of a country denotes that elevated region extending from the northeast of Palestine to the Euphrates. It corresponded generally with the Sy......

Aram of the two rivers, is Mesopotamia (as it is rendered in Gen. 24:10), the country enclosed between the Tigris on the east and the Euphrates on the west (Ps. 60, title); called also the "field of Aram" (Hos. 12:12, Hos. 12: R.V.) i.e., the open country of Aram; in the Authorized Version, "country of Syria." Padan-aram (q.v.) was a portion of this country.......

(Ps. 60, title), probably the region between the Euphrates and the Orontes.......

(Ezek. 4:2;21:22), a military engine, consisting of a long beam of wood hung upon a frame, for making breaches in walls. The end of it which was brought against the wall was shaped like a ram's head. ......

house of the height; i.e., "mountain-house", one of the towns of Gad, 3 miles east of Jordan, opposite Jericho (Josh. 13:27). Probably the same as Beth-haran in Num. 32:36. It was called by king Herod, Julias, or Livias, after Livia, the wife of Augustus. It is now called Beit-haran.......

(1.) Hebrew _atad_, Judg. 9:14; rendered "thorn," Psa 58:9. The LXX. and Vulgate render by rhamnus, a thorny shrub common in Palestine, resembling the hawthorn. (2.) Hebrew _hoah_, Isa. 34:13 (R.V. "thistles"); "thickets" in 1-Sam 13:6; "thistles" in 2-Kings 14:9, 2-Kings 14: 2-Chr 25:18, 2-Chr 25: Job 31:40; "thorns" in 2-Chr 33:11, 2-Chr 33: 2:2, 2: Hos. 9:6. The word may be regarded as denoti......

The Authorized Version understood the word 'adarkonim (1-Chr 29:7; Ezra 8:27), and the similar word darkomnim (Ezra 2:69; Neh. 7:70), as equivalent to the Greek silver coin the drachma. But the Revised Version rightly regards it as the Greek dareikos, a Persian gold coin (the daric) of the value of about 1 pound, 2s., which was first struck by Darius, the son of Hystaspes, and was current in Weste......

is exalted. (1.) The son of Tou, king of Hamath, sent by his father to congratulate David on his victory over Hadarezer, king of Syria (1-Chr 18:10; called Joram 2-Sam 8:10). (2.) The fifth son of Joktan, the founder of an Arab tribe (Gen. 10:27; 1-Chr 1:21). (3.) One who was "over the tribute;" i.e., "over the levy." He was stoned by the Israelites after they had revolted from Rehoboam (2-Chr......

high-born. (1.) Generally "Huram," one of the sons of Bela (1-Chr 8:5). (2.) Also "Huram" and "Horam," king of Tyre. He entered into an alliance with David, and assisted him in building his palace by sending him able workmen, and also cedar-trees and fir-trees from Lebanon (2-Sam 5:11; 1-Chr 14:1). After the death of David he entered into a similar alliance with Solomon, and assisted him greatly......

citizen, chief of an Edomite tribe in Mount Seir (Gen. 36:43). ......

Jehovah-exalted. (1.) Son of Toi, king of Hamath, sent by his father to congratulate David on the occasion of his victory over Hadadezer (2-Sam 8:10). (2.) A Levite of the family of Gershom (1-Chr 26:25). (3.) A priest sent by Jehoshaphat to instructruct the people in Judah (2-Chr 17:8). (4.) The son of Ahab and Jezebel, and successor to his brother Ahaziah on the throne of Israel. He reigne......

=Jeho'ram. (1.) One of the kings of Israel (2-Kings 8:16, 2-Kings 8: 25, 28). He was the son of Ahab. (2.) Jehoram, the son and successor of Jehoshaphat on the throne of Judah (2-Kings 8:24).......

the plain of Aram, or the plain of the highlands, (Gen. 25:20;28:2, 28: 5-7;31:18, 31: etc.), commonly regarded as the district of Mesopotamia (q.v.) lying around Haran.......

like a wild ass, a king of Jarmuth, a royal city of the Canaanites, who was conquered and put to death by Joshua (10:3, 10: 23, 26). ......

exalted. (1.) The son of Hezron, and one of the ancestors of the royal line (Ruth 4:19). The margin of 1-Chr 2:9, 1-Chr 2: also Matt. 1:3, Matt. 1: 4 and Luke 3:33, Luke 3: have "Aram." (2.) One of the sons of Jerahmeel (1-Chr 2:25, 1-Chr 2: 27). (3.) A person mentioned in Job 32:2 as founder of a clan to which Elihu belonged. The same as Aram of Gen. 22:21.......

(Matt. 2:18), the Greek form of Ramah. (1.) A city first mentioned in Josh. 18:25, Josh. 18: near Gibeah of Benjamin. It was fortified by Baasha, king of Israel (1-Kings 15:17; 2-Chr 16:1). Asa, king of Judah, employed Benhadad the Syrian king to drive Baasha from this city (1-Kings 15:18, 1-Kings 15: 20). Isaiah (10:29) refers to it, and also Jeremiah, who was once a prisoner there among the othe......

(Heb. Ramath-negeb). The Heb. negeb is the general designation for south or south-west of Judah. This was one of the towns of Simeon (Josh. 19:8). It is the same as "south Ramoth" (1-Sam 30:27; R.V., "Ramoth of the south"). Its site is doubtful. Some have thought it another name for Baalath-beer.......

elevation of Lehi, or the jawbone height; i.e., the Ramah of Lehi (Judg. 15:15). The phrase "in the jaw," ver. 19, Authorized Version, is in the margin, also in the Revised Version, "in Lehi." Here Samson slew a thousand Philistines with a jawbone.......

the height of Mizpeh or of the watch-tower (Josh. 13:26), a place mentioned as one of the limits of Gad. There were two Mizpehs on the east of the Jordan. This was the Mizpeh where Jacob and Laban made a covenant, "Mizpeh of Gilead," called also Galeed and Jegar-sahadutha. It has been identified with the modern es-Salt, where the roads from Jericho and from Shechem to Damascus unite, about 25 mile......

the two heights of the Zophites or of the watchers (only in 1-Sam 1:1), "in the land of Zuph" (9:5). Ramathaim is another name for Ramah (4). One of the Levitical families descended from Kohath, that of Zuph or Zophai (1-Chr 6:26, 1-Chr 6: 35), had a district assigned to them in Ephraim, which from this circumstance was called "the land of Zuph," and hence the name of the town, "Zophim." It was ......

the designation given to Shimei, the manager of David's vineyard (1-Chr 27:27).......

"the land of" (Gen. 47:11), was probably "the land of Goshen" (q.v.)45:10. After the Hebrews had built Rameses, one of the "treasure cities," it came to be known as the "land" in which that city was built. The city bearing this name (Exo 12:37) was probably identical with Zoan, which Rameses II. ("son of the sun") rebuilt. It became his special residence, and ranked next in importance and magnif......

heights. A Levitical city in the tribe of Issachar (1-Sam 30:27; 1-Chr 6:73), the same as Jarmuth (Josh. 21:29) and Remeth (q.v.),19:21.......

heights of Gilead, a city of refuge on the east of Jordan; called "Ramoth in Gilead" (Deut. 4:43; Josh. 20:8;21:38). Here Ahab, who joined Jehoshaphat in an endeavour to rescue it from the hands of the king of Syria, was mortally wounded (1-Kings 22:1). A similar attempt was afterwards made by Ahaziah and Joram, when the latter was wounded (2-Kings 8:28). In this city Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat,......

most high name. (1.) A Levite in the reign of Jehoshaphat (2-Chr 17:8). (2.) A Levite in David's time (1-Chr 15:18, 1-Chr 15: 20).......