Easton 字典

希臘文詞彙 #534 的意思

aparti {ap-ar'-tee}

from 575 and 737;; adv
AV - from henceforth 1; 1
1) from now, henceforth

希臘文詞彙 #534 在聖經原文中出現的地方

aparti {ap-ar'-tee} 共有 1 個出處。 這是第 1 至 1 個出處。

啟 示 錄 14:13
And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth534: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. from henceforth...: or, from henceforth saith the Spirit, Yea