創 世 記 27:42
有人把 853 利百加大 1419 兒子 1121 以掃 6215 的話 1697 告訴 5046 , 8714 利百加 9001 , 7259 , 他就打發 7971 , 8799 人去, 叫了 7121 , 8799 他小 6996 兒子 1121 雅各 9001 , 3290 來, 對他 413 說 559 , 8799 : 「 # 2009 你哥哥 251 以掃 6215 想要殺 9001 , 2026 , 8800 你 9001 , 報仇雪恨 5162 , 8693 。 Genesis 27:42 And these words 1697 of Esau 6215 her elder 1419 son 1121 were told 5046 , 8714 to Rebekah 7259 : and she sent 7971 , 8799 and called 7121 , 8799 Jacob 3290 her younger 6996 son 1121 , and said 559 , 8799 unto him, Behold, thy brother 251 Esau 6215 , as touching thee, doth comfort 5162 , 8693 himself, purposing to kill 2026 , 8800 thee. 詞語解釋
Easton 字典
希伯來詞彙 #5162 的意思
a primitive root; TWOT - 1344; v AV - comfort 57, repent 41, comforter 9, ease 1; 1 08 1) to be sorry, console oneself, repent, regret, comfort, be comforted 1a) (Niphal) 1a1) to be sorry, be moved to pity, have compassion 1a2) to be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent 1a3) to comfort oneself, be comforted 1a4) to comfort oneself, ease oneself 1b) (Piel) to comfort, console 1c) (Pual) to be comforted, be consoled 1d) (Hithpael) 1d1) to be sorry, have compassion 1d2) to rue, repent of 1d3) to comfort oneself, be comforted 1d4) to ease oneself
希伯來詞彙 #5162 在聖經原文中出現的地方
創 世 記 5:29 And he called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort05162, 8762 us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed. Noah: Gr. Noe: that is Rest, or, Comfort 創 世 記 6:6 And it repented05162, 8735 the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 創 世 記 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth05162, 8738 me that I have made them. both...: Heb. from man unto beast 創 世 記 24:67 And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted05162, 8735 after his mother's death . 創 世 記 27:42 And these words of Esau her elder son were told to Rebekah: and she sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said unto him, Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort05162, 8693 himself, purposing to kill thee. 創 世 記 37:35 And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort05162, 8763 him; but he refused to be comforted05162, 8692; and he said, For I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning. Thus his father wept for him. 創 世 記 38:12 And in process of time the daughter of Shuah Judah's wife died; and Judah was comforted05162, 8735, and went up unto his sheepshearers to Timnath, he and his friend Hirah the Adullamite. in process...: Heb. the days were multiplied 創 世 記 50:21 Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted05162, 8762 them, and spake kindly unto them. kindly...: Heb. to their hearts 出 埃 及 記 13:17 And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent05162, 8735 when they see war, and they return to Egypt: 出 埃 及 記 32:12 Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent05162, 8734 of this evil against thy people. 出 埃 及 記 32:14 And the LORD repented05162, 8735 of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. 民 數 記 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent05162, 8691: hath he said, and shall he not do it ? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? 申 命 記 32:36 For the LORD shall judge his people, and repent05162, 8691 himself for his servants, when he seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut up, or left. power: Heb. hand 士 師 記 2:18 And when the LORD raised them up judges, then the LORD was with the judge, and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge: for it repented05162, 8735 the LORD because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them. 士 師 記 21:6 And the children of Israel repented05162, 8735 them for Benjamin their brother, and said, There is one tribe cut off from Israel this day. 士 師 記 21:15 And the people repented05162, 8737 them for Benjamin, because that the LORD had made a breach in the tribes of Israel. 路 得 記 2:13 Then she said, Let me find favour in thy sight, my lord; for that thou hast comforted05162, 8765 me, and for that thou hast spoken friendly unto thine handmaid, though I be not like unto one of thine handmaidens. Let me...: or, I find friendly: Heb. to the heart 撒 母 耳 記 上 15:11 It repenteth05162, 8738 me that I have set up Saul to be king: for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my commandments. And it grieved Samuel; and he cried unto the LORD all night. 撒 母 耳 記 上 15:29 And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent05162, 8735: for he is not a man, that he should repent05162, 8736. Strength: or, Eternity, or, Victory |
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